Cultivating a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being
We are focused on a community-specific mix of facilities, programs, and services that honor local history, reflect the priorities of residents, promote healthy lifestyles, create jobs, and reduce crime.
Wellness Partnerships
- TMD intends to leverage existing community assets and establish formal agreements with strategic partners as part of its strategy to improve the health of neighborhood residents. Priority partners include MercyMed, Mercer Medical School and the Food Mill.
- TMD is currently assisting MercyMed with the expansion of their existing clinic and has recently contributed two acres for the development of an urban farm that produces healthy food for residents.
- In response to issues of hypertension and diabetes that impact many residents, TMD has collaborated with partners to implement a 12-week meal program with “medically tailored meals” provided by local restaurants that use produce from the nearby vacant-lot-turned-community-garden.